Amidst the topaz seamless skies,
The lofty mountains and intricate vales
Of Afghanistan, has novelist Khalid Hosseini
Set this powerful and poignant tale.
A tale of loyalty and fateful betrayal,
Overwhelming joy and profound sorrow,
Sins impulsively committed and atoned,
To provide for a better tomorrow.
A tale of mirth, of fatherly love,
Of haunting guilt and repentance.
A tale of passion, hope and despair,
Denial and responsible acceptance.
A tale of the blood that inextricably binds
Two companions, two brothers together.
A tale of unrequited friendship,
And memories to be cherished forever.
A tale spanning countries and different cultures,
Binding one’s present to his past.
A tale of humanity, compassion and kindness,
Of relationships that matter and last.
Amir and Hassan – ‘The Sultans of Kabul’
Are best friends in every way.
Socially and ethnically apart from birth,
They don’t let it stand in their way.
Hassan, a Hazara, and Amir, a Pashtun,
Are restrained by society’s confines.
Yet they make the most of their camaraderie
Within those hierarchical lines.
Fed from the same breast, sharing their childhood,
Together they spend wonderful years.
A childhood infused with learning and growing
And trying to overcome fears.
They skipped stones, they played marbles,
They visited the Ghargha Lake,
Unaware that circumstances would eventually cause
Their age-old bond to break.
From playing panjpar to running kites,
And reading to each other on the hill,
They entertained each other and were inseparable
Till the moment when Time stood still.
This was the moment of weakness and cowardice,
Amir, his loyalty did shun.
He failed to stand up for his life long friend,
In spite of all Hassan had done.
A moment which changed the fate of these boys
And played on Amir’s insecurity and fears,
Leading him to further lie and deceive
The boy who to him was so dear.
Jealous of Hassan, ashamed of himself,
And craving his Baba’s affection,
Amir, trying to suppress his conscience,
Commits further acts of deception.
After experiencing decades of remorse,
Realization dawns upon him.
That being an escapist can’t solve one’s problems;
One must account for his sins.
This realization causes to open
A new chapter in Amir’s life.
Which takes him back to his beloved homeland,
Away from his country and wife.
He endeavors to fulfill Rahim Khan’s last wish,
And through that undo his wrongs.
That his past would soon catch up with his present,
Amir was aware all along.
He witnesses Afghanistan in turmoil and strife,
Very unlike the land he had known.
The land where on winters the skies were speckled
With red, yellow, green kites he had flown.
The land he relates with fresh fruits and kabobs,
And years of unbounded joy.
The land which reminds him of Baba and Ali
And the faithful young hare-lipped boy.
Amir’s destiny brings him a full circle
To the point where he had begun.
It taught him that it is never too late
To redress all the wrongs one has done.
It taught him to overcome his failings and fears,
Be selfless, empathetic and giving.
He learned to stand up for himself and what’s right
And it taught him the right way of living.
In spite of dangers and difficult tasks,
His efforts were not in vain.
By rescuing Sohrab he rescues himself
From the grip of compunction and pain.
Zendagi migzara, Life goes on,
Unmindful of beginning and end.
One can’t be worthy of genuine friendship
If one cannot value a friend.
Life goes on, not owing to destiny
But for the actions of men.
Mistakes do happen, but there is always
A way to be good again.
The lofty mountains and intricate vales
Of Afghanistan, has novelist Khalid Hosseini
Set this powerful and poignant tale.
A tale of loyalty and fateful betrayal,
Overwhelming joy and profound sorrow,
Sins impulsively committed and atoned,
To provide for a better tomorrow.
A tale of mirth, of fatherly love,
Of haunting guilt and repentance.
A tale of passion, hope and despair,
Denial and responsible acceptance.
A tale of the blood that inextricably binds
Two companions, two brothers together.
A tale of unrequited friendship,
And memories to be cherished forever.
A tale spanning countries and different cultures,
Binding one’s present to his past.
A tale of humanity, compassion and kindness,
Of relationships that matter and last.
Amir and Hassan – ‘The Sultans of Kabul’
Are best friends in every way.
Socially and ethnically apart from birth,
They don’t let it stand in their way.
Hassan, a Hazara, and Amir, a Pashtun,
Are restrained by society’s confines.
Yet they make the most of their camaraderie
Within those hierarchical lines.
Fed from the same breast, sharing their childhood,
Together they spend wonderful years.
A childhood infused with learning and growing
And trying to overcome fears.
They skipped stones, they played marbles,
They visited the Ghargha Lake,
Unaware that circumstances would eventually cause
Their age-old bond to break.
From playing panjpar to running kites,
And reading to each other on the hill,
They entertained each other and were inseparable
Till the moment when Time stood still.
This was the moment of weakness and cowardice,
Amir, his loyalty did shun.
He failed to stand up for his life long friend,
In spite of all Hassan had done.
A moment which changed the fate of these boys
And played on Amir’s insecurity and fears,
Leading him to further lie and deceive
The boy who to him was so dear.
Jealous of Hassan, ashamed of himself,
And craving his Baba’s affection,
Amir, trying to suppress his conscience,
Commits further acts of deception.
After experiencing decades of remorse,
Realization dawns upon him.
That being an escapist can’t solve one’s problems;
One must account for his sins.
This realization causes to open
A new chapter in Amir’s life.
Which takes him back to his beloved homeland,
Away from his country and wife.
He endeavors to fulfill Rahim Khan’s last wish,
And through that undo his wrongs.
That his past would soon catch up with his present,
Amir was aware all along.
He witnesses Afghanistan in turmoil and strife,
Very unlike the land he had known.
The land where on winters the skies were speckled
With red, yellow, green kites he had flown.
The land he relates with fresh fruits and kabobs,
And years of unbounded joy.
The land which reminds him of Baba and Ali
And the faithful young hare-lipped boy.
Amir’s destiny brings him a full circle
To the point where he had begun.
It taught him that it is never too late
To redress all the wrongs one has done.
It taught him to overcome his failings and fears,
Be selfless, empathetic and giving.
He learned to stand up for himself and what’s right
And it taught him the right way of living.
In spite of dangers and difficult tasks,
His efforts were not in vain.
By rescuing Sohrab he rescues himself
From the grip of compunction and pain.
Zendagi migzara, Life goes on,
Unmindful of beginning and end.
One can’t be worthy of genuine friendship
If one cannot value a friend.
Life goes on, not owing to destiny
But for the actions of men.
Mistakes do happen, but there is always
A way to be good again.
wow.. this is awesome..i appreciate the way in whic you have brought down that whole novel into a poem...too good
thanx devikks ..
a delectable description of the masterpiece....
thanx :)
it's always nice 2 be appreciated!~
watch the film of the same name...
you really got me worshipping your writings...
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