Death is not what hath brought me here,
To thy Heavenly Gate.
I may have once been very dear,
But that was just my fate.
Remorse is not what hath brought me here,
Nor reason to confess,
Nor belief nor want nor faith nor fear,
Nor the need to be bless'd.
To thy Heavenly Gate.
I may have once been very dear,
But that was just my fate.
Remorse is not what hath brought me here,
Nor reason to confess,
Nor belief nor want nor faith nor fear,
Nor the need to be bless'd.
Now I stand and challenge thee,
Thy myths and all thy fiction.
I shall no longer let my life
Be run by blind conviction.
I will not be illusion'd by
Speeches by priests and pastors.
Holy prayers will only make the
Distance 'twixt us vaster.
I am a maverick, rebelling
Against all convention.
Abiding not by sacred rules
Which holy texts mention.
I stand proud in all my glory,
Never shall I cower.
In reverence at thy holy feet,
Never shall I bow.
My self-respect and sense of worth
Have leadeth me to question,
'Righteousness' and 'Obedience'
As define'd by convention.
I will not let thy tenets guide
My motives and mine actions.
My interest lies in Satanic cults
And demon-worshipping factions.
Thou may sayest that I trespass
The norms laid down by thee.
To thy worshippers it may seemeth
Sacrilege and Blasphemy.
I always was and am an atheist,
Both in death and life.
I always strove to hold mine own
Amidst turmoil and strife.
I always held my head up high;
Though Heaven may be thine,
Decisions to do as I please
Shall eternally be mine.
Thy restricions do maketh the
Forbidden fruit tasteth sour.
Thou expell'd Eve and Adam from
Eden by thy power.
Thou expell'd the Archangels that
Did with mortals breed.
But Greed and Lust are part of me;
To thee I shan't pay heed.
Thy omniscience, omnipotence
And sacrosanctity,
May take o'er the realm of Earth,
But thou canst ruleth me.
Though thou art God and callest this
An aberration of religion,
In mine eyes thy holy visage
Is nothing but a vision.
Since Pride opposes Loyalty and
Faith opposes Reason,
'The Accuser' himself was accuse'd of
Sinning and committing treason.
The Grigori were madeth of fire
And us mortals clay,
Yet we all are damn'd on Earth
Ere dawn of Judgement Day.
If thou dost not permit me to
Enter this celestial abode,
I will not plead nor beg for I
Oppose thy rules and codes.
Though thou mayest banish me to
The dark caverns of Hell,
Like 'The Wanderer' I shall roam
The Earth and stars as well.
If mankind doth witness Satan's Resurrection
Hopefully ere morrow,
Then agnostics and pagans will be
Spare'd despair and sorrow.
'The Morning Star' who dwelleth in
Dark Hades shall avenge
Thy justice that outcasteth him;
He burneth for revenge.
'Tis with great conviction that I
Say this unto thee,
In my view things holy and devout
Will remaineth mystery.
Whither dost thou leadest us?
Thou shalt not lead us further.
The rational mind doth murther faith,
And faith the mind doth murther.
Whether or not I change my ways
That time will only tell.
O ye Lord, knowest thou that even
The brightest Angel fell.